Sinderland Road, Partington



Trafford Council adopted the Core Strategy in January 2012 and Carrington has been identified as a key strategic location with an opportunity to reduce the isolation of Carrington and Partington by creating a new mixed-use sustainable community on large tracts of former industrial brown-field land. The Core Strategy considers the location able to deliver: 1,560 residential units, 75 hectares of employment land, new road infrastructure, improvement to existing public transport infrastructure, community facilities and green infrastructure.

The Core Strategy also highlights Partington itself and a priority regeneration area. According to the Trafford Composite Local Plan Policies Map, the property is within the following allocations of the Trafford Revised UDP (Adopted June 2006):

  • "Main Industrial Areas" (see Saved Policy E7)
  • "Derelict Land Reclamation" (see Saved Policy ENV32);


  • "Special Health and Safety Development Control Sub- Areas" (see Saved Policy D5

Notwithstanding this, the New Carrington GMSF Masterplan (September 2020), was produced by Trafford Council and AECOM to support the delivery of the New Carrington Strategic Site allocation in the draft Greater Manchester’s Plan for Homes, Jobs, and the Environment (the GMSF). In this Masterplan document, the property is proposed for residential development on the Indicative Masterplan (see extract below).

The property also falls within Flood Zone 1 (an area with a low probability of flooding).

Interested parties should contact Trafford Council, well as review the Title Summary Report and available on the data room, as well as to make enquiries with the utilities providers for up to date information.


Recent planning applications in the area include:

Linden Homes – west of the site, planning application submitted in June 2018. Hybrid application comprising: - a) Application for full planning permission for the clearance and remediation of the existing site and the erection of 148 dwellings with access from

Broadway and associated works including the provision of internal estate roads, parking and turning circle, landscape works (including provision of public open space, tree clearance/replacement/woodland management and ecological management), electrical sub-station, and sustainable urban drainage works; and, b) Application for outline planning permission for the erection of up to 452 dwellings with access from Broadway and associated works including the provision of internal estate roads and parking, landscape works (including provision of public open space, tree clearance/replacement/woodland management and ecological management), electrical sub-stations, and sustainable urban drainage works drainage principles. Ref: 94949/HYB/18. Status is approved with conditions.

Voltage Park – North of site, application was submitted March 2019.

Erection of five buildings for use within Use Class B8 (Storage & Distribution) to provide flexible employment purposes with ancillary offices, car parking, landscaping, service yard areas, ancillary uses and associated external works and operational development including remediation and ground levelling works. Ref: 97261/FUL/19. Status is approved with conditions.

Carrington Village - north of site, application was submitted November 2019. Outline application for the erection of up to 320 dwellings, erection of up to 668,000 sq ft (62,057 sq m) employment floorspace (Use Classes B1/B2/B8 including open storage), erection of up to 12,917 sq ft (1,200 sq m) retail/health floorspace (Use Classes A1/D1), demolition of existing buildings and structures, re contouring of the site to form development platforms, creation of public open space, rugby pitch relocation along with new flood-lit training pitch, erection of replacement rugby clubhouse, landscaping and ecological works, noise mitigation, electrical sub stations, pumping stations, car parking and vehicle, cycle and pedestrian circulation including details of 5 access(s) off Manchester Road to serve residential, employment, retail/health development and 2 emergency access points off the A1 private road. Approval sought for access with all other matters reserved. Ref: 99245/OUT/19. Status is approved with conditions.

Wain Estates - north of the site, planning application submitted November 2022.

Outline application with all matters reserved for an employment park comprising up to 95,000 sq.m Use Class B2/B8 floorspace with ancillary offices and Use Class B8 open storage. Ref: 109755/OUT/22. Status is awaiting decision.


Factual environmental information relating to the Property is provided in the Land Condition Summary Statement and redacted Environmental Reports.


Further information on the property are available in the data room

  • Title Documents &Title Summary Report
  • Topographical Survey
  • Land Condition Summary Statement and redacted Environmental Reports
  • Draft Heads of Terms (including non negotiable environmental provisions)


We understand that the Property is elected for VAT and therefore VAT may be chargeable on the sale.


Offers for the freehold interest of the Property with limited title guarantee, are invited by way of informal tender on or before 12 noon on 19th July 2024.

Details on the requirements for offers (including overage), will be released to interested parties prior to the offer deadline. However, all offers should confirm that the seller’s non negotiable environmental provisions are accepted.


BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP PRE) must comply with Anti Money Laundering Regulations. As part of this requirement, BNP PRE must obtain evidence of the identity and proof of address of potential buyers. Prior to an offer being accepted, all parties who are purchasing must provide the necessary evidence.


Interested parties should note that BNPPRE take no responsibility for any injury or accident at the property. Viewers and visitors of the property do so at their own risk.

Contact Agent

Iain Cairns  image

Iain Cairns
Minerva 29
East Parade
Leeds LS1 5PS

0113 237 6683
07881 249670

Alex Willis image

Alex Willis
8th Floor Fountain Precinct
Balm Green
S1 2JA

0114 263 9200
07899 060247